On Grammatical Effects of Interactions between Intonation,Stress and Syntax 作 者:冯胜利 作者简介:冯胜利,男,美国宾夕法尼亚大学语言学系博士,香港中文大学中文系教授,研究方向为韵律句法学、韵律诗体学、训诂学及汉语二语教学法,E-mail:slfeng@arts.cuhk.edu.hk。 原发信息:《语言教学与研究》(京)2017年第20173期 内容提要:本文从上古汉语[VP而VP]等句式在现代汉语口语表达中不合法的现象出发,讨论汉语管辖型核心重音排斥动词并列及其与汉语句调相互作用所产生的语法效应。文章首先讨论上古汉语[VP而VP]句式消失的韵律原因,继而提出现代汉语“一句一调”的韵律属性及其在“句型构造”(如流水句、连动式)和“句型改造”(意合法、紧缩句)方面的语法效应。文章认为,古代并列动词短语的发展变化和现代特殊句型的出现,均可分析为中古以来汉语管辖型核心重音与句语调相互作用下的句法结果。 Based on the fact that coordination structure[VP er VP]is very common in classical Chinese but ungrammatical in modern spoken Mandarin Chinese(*[VP he VP]),this paper argues first that it is the Government-based Nucleus Stress(G-NSR)in Chinese that bans such coordinate verb phrases and exerts impacts on intonational phrases in a sentence,while promoting the evolution of grammar through history.Furthermore,it is shown that the historical changes had driven the sentences in Mandarin Chinese to be formed with only one intonation phrase within the VP.The proposed grammatical effects are manifested on Sentence Construction(such as Run-on Sentences,Serial Verb Constructions)and Sentence Transformation(such as Parataxis and Contraction)in Mandarin Chinese.The paper claims that the disappearance of coordinate verb phrases and the emergence of special sentence patterns in Mandarin Chinese can all be accounted for by interactions between intonation and the G-NSR since Medieval Times. 关 键 词:句调/语调/一句一调/并列结构/流水句/连动式/意合法/紧缩句sentential Intonation/intonation phrases/"one sentence,one intonation"/coordination/run-on sentences/serial verb constructions/parataxis/contracted sentences 标题注释:【基金项目】本文得到教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大基金项目“对外汉语语体用语的鉴定、分布及分级的基础研究”(项目批准号:14JJD740003)的资助。 一、现象与观察 1.1 并列连词“而”的消失 现代汉语的语法不允许用和古汉语“而”相当的连词“和”字来联结两个动词谓语。①譬如古代汉语:VP而VP (责任编辑:admin) |