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    摘    要: 
    关 键 词: 
    心理模型  语用推理  常规关系 
    Model-based Pragmatic Reasoning: An outline 
    XU Shenghuan 
    The present study attempts a paradigm of model-based pragmatic reasoning, which is in line with the basic view points of daily language use in pragmatics on the one hand, and is different from the principle-approach paradigm on the other. The study, taking into consideration the achievements in the researches of human cognitive faculties done by cognitive psychology, adopts a stand point of psychological reality and argues that pragmatic reasoning is a process in which the development of the interactions of utterances at local levels into the interpretation of the whole-piece utterance caused by downward causation. In view of the hypothesis of cognitive continuum, the findings and conclusions of the study would also provide a working hypothesis for the study of daily language use. 
    mental models; pragmatic reasoning; stereotypical relation 
