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http://www.newdu.com 2017-10-17 《外国文学研究》2013年 邹惠玲 参加讨论

    ①维兹诺用小写、斜体的“indian”代指白人话语中的印第安人,具体请参见Joseph Bruchac, "Follow the Trickroutes: An Interview with Gerald Vizenor," Survival This Way: Interviews with American Indian Poets(Tucson: U of Arizona P, 1987)292。
    ②小说中英文为“The Old World”,指欧洲。
    ③本文所有相关作品引文均出自Gerald Vizenor, The Heirs of Columbus(Hanover: Wesleyan University Press, 1991),以下仅标出页码,不再一一说明。
    ④庞克洪塔丝(Pocahontas, 1595-1617),印第安酋长帕瓦坦之女,嫁给白人殖民者约翰·罗尔夫(John Rolfe),后来随他前往英国并皈依基督教,最终因患上天花病逝于英国。
    ⑥疯马(Crazy Horse),印第安苏族首领,以作战勇敢而著称。在印第安战争中,他指挥的印第安人歼灭了白人将领卡斯特率领的军队并击毙卡斯特。
    ⑦黑麇鹿(Black Elk),印第安苏族先知,以《黑麇鹿如是说》一书而知名。
    ⑧路易斯·瑞尔(Louis Riel),加拿大梅提斯人(原住民与法裔加拿大人的后裔)的领袖,因领导抵抗加拿大政府的暴动而被处死。
    [1]Allen, Chadwick. "Blood(and) Memory." American Literature 71.1(1999): 93-114.
    [2]Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures. New York: Routledge, 1989.
    [3]Bhabha, Hommi. The Location of Culture. London: Routledge, 1994.
    [4]Blaeser, Kimberly M. "Gerald Vizenor: Postindian Liberation." The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature. Ed. Joy Porter and Kenneth M. Roemer. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005. 257-70.
    [Boehmer, Elleke. Colonial and Postcolonial Literature. Trans. Sheng Ning and Han Minzhong. Shenyang: Liaoning Education Press, 1998.]
    [6]Bruchac, Joseph. Survival This Way: Interviews with American Indian Poets. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 1987.
    [7]Deloria, Vine, Jr. Custer Died for Your Sins. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1967.
    [8]丁文莉:“走向第四世界:印第安恶作剧者的朝圣之旅”,《徐州师范大学学报》2(2011): 28-30。
    [Ding Wenli. "Travel to the Fourth World: A Pilgrimage of Indian Trickster." Journal of Xuzhou Normal University 2(2011): 28-30.]
    [9]Gruber, Eva. Humor in Contemporary Native North American Literature-Remaining Nativeness. New York: Camden House, 2008.
    [10]Hardin, Michael. "The Trickster of History: The Heirs of Columbus and the Dehistorization of Narrative." MELUS 23.4(1998): 25-46.
    [11]Hochbruck, Wolfgang. "Breaking Away: The Novels of Gerald Vizenor," World Literature Today 66.2(1992): 274-78.
    [12]Hutcheon, Linda. Narcissictic Narrative: The Metafictional Paradox. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier UP, 1980.
    [13]Krupat, Arnold, and Michael A. Elliott. "American Indian Fiction and Anticolonial Resistance." Columbia Guide to American Indian Literature of the United States Since 1945. Ed. Eric Cheyfits. New York: Columbia UP, 2006. 127-82.
    [14]Ruffo, Armand Garnet. (Ad) dressing Our Words: Aboriginal Perspectives on Aboriginal Literatures. Penticton: Theytus Books Ltd., 2001.
    [15]Said, Edward. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage Books, 1993.
    [16]Sale, Kirkpatrick. The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy. New York: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2006.
    [17]Tillett, Rebecca. Contemporary Native American Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2007.
    [18]Vizenor. Gerald. The Heirs of Columbus. Hanover: Wesleyan UP, 1991.
    [19]--. Manifest Manners: Narrative on Postindian Survivance. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1994.
    [20]--. "The Ruins of Representation." American Indian Quarterly 17.1(1993): 7-31.
    [21]--. "The Trickster Heir of Columbus: An Interview." Native American Literatures Forum 2-3(1990-91): 101-15.
    [22]邹惠玲 丁文莉:“同化·回归·杂糅——美国印第安英语小说发展周期述评”,《外国文学研究》3(2009): 44-51。
    [Zou Huiling and Ding Wenli. "Assimilation, Return and Hybridity: On the Developmental Stages of American Indian Novels." Foreign Literature Studies 3(2009): 44-51.]
