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    从语言事实看,中动结构关涉不同句式,呈现语际与语内、共时和历时的变异现象;理论上,中动结构研究直接牵涉语态范畴、事件结构、论元结构、信息结构等诸多具体问题;而宏观上涉及的是结构与意义的关系、形式语法与功能语法的路径选择等根本问题。因此,中动结构是语言理论发展的试金石,也是检验和推动理论研究的有效工具(Fagan 1992:4)。由于其复杂的句法语义特点,中动结构得到了形式语法与功能语法、历时语言学与共时语言学等不同领域的广泛关注。已有文献颇为丰富,拓展了人们对中动结构的认识,也推动了相关理论的发展。
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    [3]Authier, J-M. & L Reed. 1996. On the Canadian French middle[J]. Linguistic Inquiry 27(3): 513-523.
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    [5]Chung, T. 1996. On English middle formation[J]. Studies in Generative Grammar 6(2): 281-317.
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    [14]Oreenspon, M. 1996. A Closer Look at the Middle Construction[D]. PhD dissertation, Yale University.
    [15]Han, J. 2007. Argument Structure and the Transitivity Alternation [D]. PhD dissertation, City University of Hong Kong.
    [16]He, W. 2004. Middle Construction in Chinese and West Germanic Languages[D]. PhD dissertation, Shanghai International Studies University.
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    [19]Kanfmann, 1.2007. Middle voice[J]. Lingua 117(10): 1677-1714.
    [20]Kemmer, S. 1993. The Middle Voice[M]. Philadelphia: John Benjamin’s Publishing Company.
    [21]Keyser, S. J. & T. R. Roeper. 1984. On the middle and ergative construction in English [J]. Linguistic Inquiry 15(3)381-416.
    [22]Kim, S. 2001. English middles as categorical sentences [J]. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 1(4): 537-560.
    [23]Klaiman, M. H. 1991. Grammatical Voice[M]. Cambridge: CUP.
    [24]Lekakou, M. 2002. Middle semantics and its realization in English and Greek [OL]. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 14:399-416. URL: http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/publications/WPL
    [25]Lekakou, M. 2005. In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated: the Semantics of Middles and Its Cross-Linguistic Realization[D]. PhD dissertation, University of College London.
    [26]Manney, L. J. 2000. Middle Voice in Modem Greek: Meaning and Functions of an Inflectional Category[M]. Philadelphia: John Benjamin's Publishing Company.
    [27]Marelj, M. 2004. Middles and Argument Structure across Languages[D]. PhD dissertation, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS.
    [28]Massam, D. 1992. Noll objects and non-thematic subjects[J]. Journal of Linguistics 28(1): 115-137.
    [29]Matasumoto, M. & K. Fojita. 1995. The English middles as an individual predicate[J]. Studies in English Literature 72: 95-111.
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    [31]Roberts, I. 1987. The Representation of Implicit and Dethematized Subjects[M]. Dowdretcht: Foils.
    [32]Simargool, N. 2005. Historical Development of the English Middle Construction[D]. PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
    [33]Steinbach, M. 1998. Middles in German[D]. PhD dissertation, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin.
    [34]Steinbach, M. 2002. Middle Voice[M]. Amsterdam: John Benjamin’s Publishing Company.
    [35]Stroik, T. 1992. Middles and movement[J]. Linguistic Inquiry 23(1): 127-137.
    [36]Stroik, T. 1995. On middle formation: A reply to Zribi-Hertz[J]. Linguistic Inquiry 26(1): 165-171.
    [37]Sung, K. 1994. Case Assignment under Incorporation[D]. PhD dissertation, University of California.
    [38]Tao, Y. 2010. Chinese Middle Construction: A Case of Disposition Ascription[D]. PhD dissertation, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
    [39]Ting, J. 2006, The middle construction in Mandarin Chinese and the presyntactic approach[J]. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 32(1): 89-117.
    [40]Troseth, E. 2009. Adicity and Reference: Middle Voice and Its Components[D]. PhD dissertation, the City University of New York.
    [41]Wee, H. K. 2006. Information structure of English middles[J]. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics6(3): 597-614.
    [42]Yoshimura, K. 1998. The Middle Construction in English: A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis[D]. PhD dissertation, the University of Otago.
    [43]Yoshimura, K. & J. Jarlor. 2004. What makes a good middle.7 The role of qualia in the interpretation and acceptability of middle expressions in English[J]. English Language and Linguistics 8(2): 293-321.
    [44]Zwart, J-W. 1998. Non-argument middles in Dutch[J]. Groningen Arbeiten Zur Germanistischen Linguistik 42: 109-128.
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