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    A Syntactic Study on Attributive Noun Phrases of the Combined Type and the Cohesive Type
    作 者:满在江
    作者简介:满在江(1973-),男,江苏盱眙人,江苏师范大学语言科学与艺术学院副教授,主要研究方向为句法学(江苏 徐州 221009)。
    Zhu(1982)divided attributive noun phrases into two different types:the combined type and the cohesive type.Their difference is mainly illustrated by the presence or absence of the functional element "de"(的).With "de",the phrase is of the combined type,while the phrase without "de" is of the cohesive type.The two types of an attributive noun phrase differ syntactically.It is argued that the different syntactic behaviors result from completely different internal syntactic mechanism.The combined type involves a propositional syntactic object,serving as the complement of functional "de" which requires preposing the adjective predicate in the later computation.
    关 键 词:组合式偏正结构/粘合式偏正结构/句法分析/命题成分/“的”attributive noun phrases of the combined type/attributive noun phrases of the cohesive type/syntactic investigation/propositional element/"de"
    1 引言
    (组合式) (责任编辑:admin)