北京大学外国语学院将于2006年5月11至13日举办国际比较神话学研讨会。美国哈佛大学亚洲研究中心“比较神话研究”课题组成员包括美国、欧洲、韩国、日本等十余位学者应邀参加本次会议。会议将在北京大学外语学院民主楼多功能厅举行。会议内容详见以下日程安排。欢迎广大师生参加并参与讨论。 International Conference on Comparative Mythology Harvard & Peking University Beijing, May 11-13, 2006 May 11, Thurs.: 8:30 Opening speech by Prof. Chen Zhaoxiang程朝翔, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages of PKU 8:50 Keynote speech by Prof. Michael Witzel,Harvard 9:20 The Mythological Implication Effect: the Spirits of Western and Chinese Cultures Embodied in Their Mythologies 神话的文化暗示效应与中西文化精神 by Prof. Gu Zhengkun辜正坤 (PKU) 9:50 Keynote speech by Prof. Huang Baosheng黄宝生, Principal Translator of Mahabharata into Chinese, (Chinese Academy of Social Science, CASS). 10:20 Teabreak 10:40 Panel:Western and Eastern * John G. Blair University of Foreign Languages, Beijing Problems of Comparability Involving Myth and Religion * Liu Shusen(刘树森) PKU Fatherhood as the Godhood: Cases in Egyptian, Greek, and Chinese Mythologies 12.: 00 Lunch break 13:30 Panel: Western and Eastern(continued) * E. Lyle (Edinburgh U.) A complex Eurasian cosmology: not one duality but three interlocking dualities 14:10 Panel: East Asian mythology * K. Hirafuji, 平藤きくこKokugakuin U., Tokyo Japanese mythology in modern society 14:50 Teabreak 15:00 East Asian mythology (continued) * K. Matsumura, 松村一男 Wako U., Tokyo Chinese contributions to the formation of Japanese Mythology * Chen Ganglong, 陈岗龙 PKU Manggus in the Mongolian Epics and the Tibetan Dharmarāja 蒙古史诗中的恶魔蟒古思与藏传佛教护法神 16:20 Teabreak 16:30 Panel: Comparative and historical mythology * B. Oguibenine Strasbourg U. & N. Yanchevskaya, Harvard U. Models and Patterns in Comparative Mythology in Recent Russian Studies * Lu Wei(吕微),* CASS Problems of Malinowski in the research of mythology 神话研究中的马林诺夫斯基Malinowski问题 17:50 Break May 12, Fri. 08:30 Comparative and historical mythology (continued) * W. van Binsbergen, Leiden U. Further steps towards an aggregative diachronic approach to world mythology starting from the African continent * M. Witzel, Harvard U. Out of Africa: The spread of our earliest mythologies 09:50 Teabreak 10:10 Comparative and historical mythology (continued) * S. Farmer Palo Alto, CA Neurobiology, Stratified Traditions, and Comparative Mythology: How Myths Evolve * Y. Berezkin St. Petersburg U. Why People are Mortal? Indo-Pacific Mythology and the ‘Out-of-Africa’ Scenario 12:00 Lunch break 13:30 Comparative and historical mythology (continued) * Ph. Nicholson, Boulder, CO Light visions, Shamanic Control Fantasies and the Creation of Myth * H. Yamada, Tohoku U., Sendai Mythology of the Taiwan Aborigines: the State of the Art 14:50 Teabreak 15:00 Comparative and historical mythology (continued) * Shi Yang(史阳), PKU The Flood as Meaningful Rebirth, the Symbolism of Mangyan Filipinos" Flood Myth * E. Venbrux (K.U. Nijmegen) Social life and the Dreamtime: Clues to creation myth as rhetorical devices in Tiwi ritural (Northern Australia) 16:20 Teabreak 16:30 Panel: Mythology from China * Jae-Seo Jung(郑在书),* E-hwa University, Korea An Analysis on Chinese Mythological Discourse from the Viewpoint of Comparative Culture * Wang Jing(王静), Qinghua University Research on Wu Gang Cuts the Laurel 关于吴刚伐桂 17:50 break May 13, Sat. 08:30 Mythology from China (continued) * Ye Shuxian(叶舒宪), CASS The Totem of Bear and its Myths 熊图腾神话的源流 * Xie Jisheng(谢继胜), Normal University of Capital Beijing Mythological Symbols of the Five Animals on Tibetan rLung-rTa Prayer Flag 西藏“风马”经幡动物图案神话象征意义分析 09: 50 Teabreak 10:10 Mythology from China (continued) * Yang Lihui(杨利慧), Beijing Normal University Legitimacy of Ritual and Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Myth: A Field Study of Transformation of Myths in Contemporary China 仪式的合法性与神话的解构和重构—— 对当代中国神话变迁的研究 * Liu Zongdi(刘宗迪), CASS Shanhaijing and the Worldview of Ancient China 《山海经》和华夏古代世界观 12:00 Lunch break 13:30 Panel:Indian Mythology * Wang Bangwei(王邦维), PKU The Hero Must Be Mute: A Hinduistic Story and Its Taoist Transformation Panel Central and Western Asian mythology * Chen Yiyi(陈贻绎), PKU Some Observations on Ugaritic Mythology 乌加里特神话点滴 * Duan Qing(段晴), PKU Active in Worldly Affairs ——An approach to the wordly side of Khotanese Buddhism based on new materials 入世的佛教 ——从新发现的于阗佛教文献探讨佛教入世的层面 浏览论文摘要,请下载PDF文件── (责任编辑:admin) |