注释 [1]Aristotle, Poetics, trans. by Joe Sachs, MA: Focus Publishing / R.Pullins Company, 2006, p.26, p.37. [2][7][8][9][11][16][17][18][19][20][30][31][32][33][36][38]Jacques Lacan, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, ed. by Jacques-Alain Miller, trans. by Dennis Porter, New York: W.W.Norton & Company, 1992, p.247, p.249, pp.278-279, p.279, p.279, p.270, p.263, p.263, p.277, p.280, p.259, p.254, p.259, p.248, p.247, p.314. [3]索福克勒斯:《安提戈涅》,罗念生译,上海人民出版社2004年版。出自《安提戈涅》的引文主要依据罗念生的汉译本,但本文还参阅了四个英译本:(1)Sophocles, Sophocles, ed. and trans. by H. Lloyd-Jones, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002. (2)Sophocles, The Theban Plays,trans. by Ruth Fainlight and Robert J. Littman, Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins University Press,2009.(3)Sophocles, Antigone, trans. by Reginald Gibbons and Charles Segal, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. (4) Sophocles, Sophocles(I), trans. by F. Storr, London: William Heinemann Ltd.,1962. 第4个版本是希腊文和英文的双语对照本。. [4]据拉康在第7研讨班中考证,1827年3月28日,歌德在他与约翰·彼得·艾克曼(Johann Peter Eckermann)的对话中表达了这种震惊。 [5][6]黑格尔:《精神现象学》下卷,贺麟、王玖兴译,第6—7页,第31页,商务印书馆1979年版。 [10][12][24][25][34]Marc De Kesel, Eros and Ethics: Reading Jacques Lacan’s Seminar VII, trans. by Sigi Jottkandt, Albany: State University of New York Press 2009, p.218, p.219, p.214, p.214, p.239. [13]Jacques Lacan, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, p.262. 据苏姗娜·赛义德(Suzanne ![]() [14]εκτοζ αταζ最直接的英译是beyond atè。这几行歌词的翻译各不相同:费恩莱特和利特曼(Ruth Fainlight & Robert J. Littman)将其译为:“In the present and the future, as in the past, the same law prevails: that man who thinks himself the most blessed and fortunate will fall the furthest.” 吉布森和赛戈尔(Reginald Gibbons & Charles Sega)将其译为:What comes after and What came Before, only one Law can account, Which is that into the life Of mortal beings comes Nothing great that lies Beyond the reach of ruin. 罗伊德-琼斯(H. Lloyd-Jones)将其译为:“For present, future and past this law shall suffice: to none among mortals shall great wealth come without disaster.” 罗念生的译文是:“在最近和遥远的将来,正像在过去一样,这规律一定生效:人们的过度行为会引起灾祸。” [15]费恩莱特和利特曼将其译为:“It was a wise man who told how evil shows the fairest face to those whom the gods will destroy. They soon meet their doom—live but a short time before disaster.” 吉布森和赛戈尔将其翻译为:“Kept before us the Famous saying that A moment will come When what is bad Seems good to the Man whom some God is driving toward Ruin. Only a short Time does he stay Beyond the reach of ruin.” 罗念生的译文是:“是谁很聪明地说了句有名的话:一个人的心一旦被天神引上迷途,他迟早会把坏事当作好事;只不过暂时还没有灾难罢了。” [21]物(Thing)是拉康精神分析学中一个非常重要的概念,意指实在界中那个能够一劳永逸地满足主体、让其获得极乐的事物,但这个物一开始就被语言切割掉了。之所以称之为“物”,乃是因为它是一个不可想象、不可言说、无以命名的东西。老子将先天地而生、独立不改、周行不殆的混成之物强名之曰“道”,拉康更加彻底,并不为之安排一个专名,索性仿照海德格尔将其称之为“物”。 [22]Jacques Lacan, écrits, trans. by Bruce Fink, New York:W.W.Norton & Company,2006, p.439. [23]Jacques Lacan, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, ed. by Jacques-Alain Miller, trans. by Alan Sheridan, New York and London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1977, p.235. [26]弗洛伊德在其《超越快乐原则》(1921)中表达了一种新的见解:除了快乐原则和现实原则,还有一种超越了快乐原则的死亡冲动,他将其称为“涅槃原则”:主体倾向于将全部紧张彻底消除。但拉康对死亡冲动的理解与此不同,在他看来,死亡冲动不是对紧张的彻底消除,而是突破能指冲向物的冲动。 [27]Sophocles, Sophocles(I), trans. by F. Storr, p.362. [28]Jacques Lacan, Le Transfert, Texte établi par Jacques-Alain Miller, Paris: éditions de Seuil, 2001, p.58. [29]Marc De Kesel, Eros and Ethics: Reading Jacques Lacan’s Seminar VII, trans. by Sigi Jottkandt, p.225。拉康模拟词语intimité(内心深处,亲密),将其前缀in-(内部的)更换为ex-(外部的),生造了新词extimité,以此表达这样一种意思:A虽然外在于B,却是B的核心。 [35]Charles Freeland, Antigone, in Her Unbearable Splendor, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2013, p.152. [37]Slavoj ![]() |