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http://www.newdu.com 2019-01-09 互联网 佚名 参加讨论

    You passed me as before, and as before you promptly slackened your pace.
    I tremble, I exulted, I longed for you to speak to me.
    I was almost paralyzed by the expectation and my heart beat So violently that I thought I should have to stand still. 
    You greeted me cordially, as if we were old acquaintances-though you did not know me, though you have never know anything about my life.
    To you it will be one of many such.
    For what was I? One among hundreds. One adventure, one link in an endless chain.
    于你, 这顿晚餐不过是许许多多的艳遇中的一桩罢了。那我算什么呢?不过是几百个女人中的一个,一次猎艳,无数艳遇中的一个。【看着自己清醒的沉沦】
    I shall never cease to thankful to you for that hour, for the way in which you justified my ardent admiration.
    Yet from the first moment you displayed so much friendly confidence, that you would have won me even if my whole being had not long ere this been yours.
    Your perceptions, your assured touch in the whole gamut of human emotions, made you realize instantly that there was something unusual here ; that this pretty, complaisant girl carried a secret about with her.
    I would rather seem a fool than disclose my secret to you.
    【电视剧套路来了,你说啊,我不说我不说; 我给你解释,我不听我不听。】
    That would certainly have alarmed you; you care only for what comes and goes easily, for that which is light of touch, is imponderable.
    You dread being involved  in anyone else's destiny. You like to give yourself freely to all the world but not to make any saceifices.
    I threw myself into your arms, went out to meet my fate. I make no complaint, I love you as you are, ardent and forgetful, generous and unfaithful.
    With a momentary hesitation, you asked me whether I would not come to your rooms for a talk.“I shall be delighted.”I answered with alacrity, thus giving frank expression to my feelings.
    Today, of course, I understand your astonishment.
    I know now that it is usual for a woman eventhough she may ardenty desire to give herself to a man, to feign reluctance, to simulate alarm  or indignation. She must be bought to consent by urgent pleading, by lies, adjuration and promises.
    How could you know that, in my case, the frank assent was but the voicing of eternity of desire, the uprush of yearnings that had endured for a thousand days and more?
    Think how, a thousand times, I had had my burning eyes fixed upon this door through which I was now passing, my head in a whirl, and you will have an inkling-no more-of all that this tremendous minute mean to me.
    When I opened my eyes in the darkness and you were beside me, I felt I must be in heaven, and I was amazed that the stars were not shining to me.
    When I was ready to go, you put your arm round me and looked me for a very long time.
    Was some obscure memory stirring in your mind, or was it simply that my radiant happiness made me seem beautiful to you?
    当我准备离开时,你抱着我,看了我许久。是激起你脑海里一些模糊的记忆,还是仅仅只是因为极致的幸福让我看起来很美? 【或许只是情欲的诱惑】
    Then you said that you called away from Vienna for a time -oh how I had always hated those journeys of yours!-and promised that I should hear from you as soon as you came back.
    I waited, waited despairingly, you did not call me to you, did not write a word, not a word.
    我等啊等啊,直至绝望,你没有再叫我去你那里,也没有写给我只言片语。【一个谎言,于他,是摆脱一次约炮后的继续纠缠。于你,成了甜蜜而绝望的负担。】原创: 汜宜
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