作 者:朱晓农 作者简介:朱晓农,男,1952年生,暨南大学华文学院教授,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院教授,研究兴趣为演化音法学、音法类型学、语言与逻辑等(广东 广州 510610)。 原发信息:《语言科学》(徐州)2018年第20182期 内容提要:文章基于声调研究提出一种演化比较法及其操作步骤,用以进行演化音法学研究。演化音法学的经验基础是音法类型学。演化比较法包括内部变异比较法和外部格局比较法。内部法是从音系内部可观察的共时变异着手,探索潜在的音变方向;外部法是根据区域内同多异少的音系格局来确定演化的先后次序,以建立一个从数十年到数百年的常观时间尺度的演化史。演化比较法综合了历史比较法、实验语音学、变异理论、音法类型学的方法,基本假设是一个区域内相似的方言具有共同的来源,它们演化到今天形成各种变化结果或变定形态。变定的主要原因取决于自然音变原理,同时也可能有其他原因,如音系调整、接触、社会因素、强制因素等。区域内的共时变定形态可看作演化的不同阶段,把这些重建的阶段用箭头连接起来就可以看出自然演化的趋势。如果区域内的演化结果能被所发现的演化大势所解释,那么其他因素可以忽略不计;如果有偏离逆转大势的情况出现,就值得发掘外部因素的影响。文章还提出外部法七个步骤的重建程序。文章从三项研究中总结出三大声调链移律和一条辐射规则,用以解释语音上和地理上都是连续分布的共时声调差异情况,推测各方言声调变化所在的阶段,重建常观时间尺度的音法演化,并预测声调的演变趋势,还可为方言分片提供系统标准。 This article,based on tone studies,proposes an evolutionary comparative method(ECM)and its procedure to study evolutionary phonology.The empirical base of evolutionary phonology is phonological typology.The ECM includes the internal variations comparison and the external patterns comparison.The internal comparison explores potential directions of sound change through observing synchronic variations.The external comparison intends to determine the temporal sequence of changes across linguistic varieties in a certain area,so as to reconstruct a phonological history of a time depth between decades and centuries.The ECM synthesizes the approaches used in the traditional historical comparative method,the experimental phonetics,the variation theory,and typology.Its basic hypothesis is that the linguistic varieties in a certain area showing a diversity of sound patterns share the same ancestor.The major motivation for the diversity is the principles of natural sound changes with other sources such as phonological adjustment,contact,social factor,etc.The synchronic pat-terns in the area concerned can be deemed as stages of evolution.The evolutionary trends can thus be shown when these reconstructed stages are arranged chronically with accordance to phonetic principles.In the article a seven-step reconstruction procedure is proposed for the external comparison.The article summarizes from three researches by the authors and collaborators three major tone shift laws and a few insertion 关 键 词:演化音法学/演化比较法/内部变异比较法/外部格局比较法/类型学/声调evolutionary phonology/the evolutionary comparative method/the internal variation comparison/the external pattern comparison/typology/tone ![]() ![]() |