注释: ①值得一提的是,有学者撰写专文评述威廉斯作品中的“声景”,详见:Masami Raker Yuki, "Sound Ground to Stand On: Soundscapes in Williams's Work", in Surveying the Literary Landscapes of Terry Tempest Williams(U of Utah P, 2003). ②心景(soulscape)是一个内涵极为丰富的概念。简言之,它是自然在人的内心所产生的共鸣,是一种人们看到特定自然景物时心灵的感受。在文学作品中,从浪漫主义时期人们就开始赋予自然以精神的色彩,关注特定景物中精神的重要性,这种传统一直持续至今。比如,19世纪英国诗人霍普金斯(Gerard Manley Hopkins)就模仿“风景”(landscape)一词,首创了“内景”(inscape)的概念。2009年出版的《海景与心景》(Seascape Soulscape),是已故美国达拉斯大学英语教授柯蒂斯杰(E. C. Curtsinger)评述梅尔维尔的代表作《白鲸》的专著。在此书中,作者将梅尔维尔笔下史诗般的海上冒险视为“内在及外在的旅行”(inward and outward journey),声称“大海及心灵的神秘可以融为一体”。 【参考文献】 [1]Beston, Henry. Especially Maine: The Natural World of Henry Beston from Cape Cod to the St. Lawrence. Ed. Elizabeth Coatsworth. Brattleboro Stephen Greene, 1970. [2]—. Herbs and the Earth. Boston: David R. Godine, 2002. [3]Chandler, Katherine R.. and Melissa A. Goldthwaite, eds. Surveying the Literary Landscapes of Terry Tempest Williams: New Critical Essays. Salt Lake City: U of Utah P.2003. [4]Curtsinger, E. C. Seascape Soulscape: Moby-Dick. Texas: U of Dallas P, 2009. [5]Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Nature in Heritage of American Literature: Beginnings to the Civil War. Vol. I. Ed. James E. Miller, Jr. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991. [6]Hay, John. A Beginner's Faith in Things Unseen. Boston: Beacon, 1995. [7]—.The Undiscovered Country. New York: Norton, 1984. [8]Jensen, Derrick, Listening to the Land: Conversations about Nature, Culture, and Eros. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green, 2004. [9]Rath, Richard Cullen. How Early America Sounded. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2003. [10]Snyder, Gary. The Gary Snyder Reader: Prose , Poetry and Translations. Washington, D. C.: Counter Point, 1999. [11]Williams, Terry. An Unspoken Hunger: Stories from the Field, New York: Vintage, 1995. [12]—.Red:Passion and Patience in the Desert,New York: Vintage, 2002. [13]程虹:《奔腾于心中的河流》,载《文景》2009年4月刊。 [14]亨利·贝斯顿:《遥远的房屋》,程虹译。北京:三联书店,2012。 [15]特丽·威廉斯:《心灵的慰藉》,程虹译。北京:三联书店,2012。 [16]西格德·F.奥尔森:《低吟的荒野》,程虹译。北京:三联书店,2012。 [17]约翰·巴勒斯:《醒来的森林》,程虹译。北京:三联书店,2012。 (责任编辑:admin) |