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    摘    要: 
    语序类型比较  SOV  吴语  话题结构  西北方言  语言接触 
    A Typological Comparison of the Patient-Preposing Order between Wu and Northwestern dialects 
    LIU Danqing 
    The basic word order in clauses in mainstream Chinese has been SVO since the earliest records. From a cross-dialectal perspective, however, a rather peculiar typological scenario manifests itself as two groups of dialects, distributed almost diametrically at the southeastern and northwestern extremes, show the greatest deviations from the typical VO order, i.e. a noticeably common patient-preposing order (PPO). These deviations are remarkably more robust than the oceans of dialects located between the two extremes. Based on an analysis of the PPO in terms of constraints on polarity, word classes and syntactic conditions of the preposed patient, and the semantic and textual properties of the proposed patient, such as referentiality, animacy, new or given information, the present paper further displays important typological differences between the two groups. It concludes then that in Wu dialects the patient preposing is an expanded utilization of the topic structure with the patient encoded preceding the verb, while in the northwestern dialects the patient preposing proves to be a genuine OV order as a result of the influence of the neighboring SOV languages. 
    Key words: 
    Typological comparison of word order, SOV, Wu dialects, topic structure, Northwestern dialects, language contact 
