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    摘    要: 
    “之” 衰落 中古汉语 句法演变 
    On the Evanescence of Function Word “zhi” and Its Effects on the Evolution of Syntactic Constructions 
    ZHU Guanming 
    Although“zhi”(之)is one of the most common words in Pre-Qin Chinese, it is observed to evanescence in Medieval Chinese, especially in its pronoun and auxiliary uses. The waning of zhi results in profound changes in Chinese syntax, one of which is the advent or proliferation of some important syntactic constructions in Medieval Chinese. While the waning of the third person pronoun zhi has brought about constructions such as the POV disposal, the VOC resultative, and the new patient-subject clause, the waning of the auxiliary zhi may take most responsibility for the advent and the proliferation of the long passive and the markedless relative clause respectively. 
    “zhi”; evanesence; Medieval Chinese; syntactic evolution 
