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    [1]Aristotle,Categories and De Interpretatione,translated by J. L. Ackrill(Oxford: Clarendon Press,1963) 16A3. 
    [2]见 Jacques Derrida,Of Grammotology(Baltimore,MD: Johns Hopkins University Press,1976) 27. 
    [3]Derrida,Of Grammotology,pp.27-73,pp.101-40. 
    [4]Ferdinand de Saussure,Course in General Linguistics(New York: McGraw-Hill,1966)23. 
    [5]Saussure,Course in General Linguistics,p.26. 
    [7]Ernest Fenollosa,The Chinese Written Character as A Medium For Poetry,edited by Ezra Pound(San Francisco: City Lights Books,1968) . 
    [8]Fenollosa,The Chinese Written Character as A Medium For Poetry,p.8. 
    [9]Francis Bacon,The Advancement of Learning,ed.G.W.Kitchin (London: J. M.Dent and Sons,1605)136ff. 
    [10]引文来自:Peter S.Du Ponceau,A Dissertation on the Nature and Character of the Chinese System of Writing( Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society,1838) 8. 
    [11]Wilhelm von Humboldt,Linguistic Variability and Intellectual Development,translated by George C.Buck and Frithjof. A.Raven (Coral Cables,FL:University of Miami Press,1971)124. 
    [12]Peter S.Du Ponceau,A Dissertation on the Nature and Character of the Chinese System of Writing,pp.1-123. 
    [13]Peter S.Du Ponceau,A Dissertation on the Nature and Character of the Chinese System of Writing,Appendix A,p.110. 
    [14]Vico,from New Science,in Vincent Leitch et al,eds.,Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism,second edition ( New York: Norton,2010) 332. 
    [15]Vico,from New Science,pp.322-333. 
    [16]Vico,from New Science,pp.320. 
    [20]见Granet,“Quelques particcularités de la langue et de la pensée chinoise,”Etudes sociologiques sur la Chine(Paris PUF,1920)99.英语原文引自Christoph Harbsmeier,Language and Logic in Traditional China(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1998)41. 
    [21]Henry Rosemont,“On Representing Abstractions in Archaic Chinese,”Philosophy East and West 24(1974):71-88. 
    [22][24]见顾明栋:《西方的语言哲学理论是普适性的吗?》《北京大学学报》(社会科学版) 2013年第6期。 
    [25]John Webb,An Historical Essay Endeavouring a Probability That the Language of the Empire of China is the Primitive Language(London:N.Brook,1669)192.  (责任编辑:admin)