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    [1]Adams, Hazard, et al. eds. Critical Theory since 1965. Tallahassee: UP of Florida, 1986.
    [2]Agger, Ben. Cultural Studies as Critical Theory. London: Falmer, 1992.
    [3]Berger, Arthur Asa. Cultural Criticism: A Primer of Key Concepts. London: SAGE, 1995.
    [4]Davis, Robert Con, et al., eds. Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies. Longman, 1986.
    [5]During, Simon. Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge, 2005.
    [6]---. The Cultural Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 1993.
    [7]Dworkin, Dennis. Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain: History, the New Left, and the Origins of Cultural Studies. Durham: Duke UP, 1997.
    [8]Gibson, Mark. Culture and Power: A History of Cultural Studies. Oxford: Berg, 2007.
    [9]Groden, Michael, et al., eds. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism. 2[nd] ed. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins UP, 2005.
    [10]Hartley, John. A Short History of Cultural Studies. London: SAGE, 2003.
    [11]Jackson, Leonard. The Dematerialisation of Karl Marx: Literature and Marxist Theory. London: Longman, 1994.
    [12]Krupnick, Mark. Lionel Trilling and the Fate of Cultural Criticism. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1986.
    [13]Leitch, Vincent G., et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. New York: Norton, 2001.
    [14]Rivkin, Julie, et al., eds. Literary Theory: An Anthology. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004.
    [15]Rojek, Chris. Cultural Studies. Polity, 2007.
    [16]Saukko, Paula. Doing Research in Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Classical and New Methodological Approaches. London: SAGE, 2003.
    [17]Smith, Johanna M. and Ross C. Murfin. "What is Cultural Criticism?" 载王晓路等著《文化批评关键词研究》附录1,王晓路译。北京:北京大学出版社,2007。
    [31]亚当斯:《西方文学理论四讲》(Adams, Hazard. Four Lectures on the History of Criticism and Theory in the West)英汉对照本,傅士珍译。台北:洪范书店,2000。
