http://www.newdu.com 2025/02/01 07:02:09 《国外文学》2015年第201 张沛 参加讨论
注释: ①A.C.Bradley,Shakespearean Tragedy(The Macmillan Press Ltd.,1974),p.65. ②A.P.Rossiter,"Political Tragedy",in Shakespeare:Coriolanus(SC),a casebook edited by B.A.Brockman(London:MacMillan Education Ltd.,1988),p.155. ③A.C.Bradley,Character and the Imaginative Appeal of Tragedy in Coriolanus,in SC,p.53. ④G.Wilson Knight.The Imperial Theme(London:Methuen & Co.Ltd.,1965),p.190. ⑤Aristotle,Ethics,1155a. ⑥Cf.I.iii.38:Virgilia:"His bloody brow? O Jupiter,no blood!" 74-75:"I'll not over the threshold till my lord return from the wars." ⑦Cf.II.i.107-108:Volumnia:"Look,hero's a letter from him:the state hath another,his wife another."III.ii.135:Coriolanus:"Commend me to my wife."事实上,后来也正是维吉利娅最初使“由人变成恶龙”(V.iv.12-14:"This Martius is grown from man to dragon" etc.)的克里奥兰纳斯开始回归人性(V.iii.22-29:"My wife comes foremost...I melt,and am not/Of stronger earth than others" etc; 42-48:"Like a dull actor now,/I have forgot my part,and I am out,/Even to a full disgrace.Best of my flesh,/Forgive my tyranny...O,a kiss/Long as my exile,sweet as my revenge!/Now,by the jealous queen of heaven,that kiss/I carried from thee,dear; and my true lip/Hath virgin'd it e' er since")。她的爱并没有被忽视;就此而言,她绝非“剧中最无影响力的人物”(G.K.Hunter,The Last Tragic Heroes,in SC,p.160)。 ⑧Cf.V.ii.14-22:Menenius:"He called me father" ere; V.i.3:"thy general is my lover",29:"always factionary on the party of your general",62:"my son Coriolanus",69:"thy old father Menenius",87:Coriolanus:"I loved thee",90-91:"This man,Aufidius,was my beloved in Rome"; V.iii.8-11:Coriolanus:"This last old man.../Loved me above the measure of a father,/Nay,godded me indeed." ⑨Cf.II.ii.107-114:Cominius:"his sword,death's stamp,/Where it did mark,it took; from face to foot/He was a thing of blood,whose every motion/Was tim'd with dying cries" etc. ⑩Plutarch's Lives,IV,Coriolanus,III,trans.Bernadotte Perrin(London:William Heinemann Ltd.,1967),p.123. (11)Cf.IV.v.120-7:"Thou hast beat me out/Twelve several times,and I have nightly since/Dreamt of encounters' twixt thyself and me-/We have been down together in my sleep,/Unbuckling helms,fisting each other's throat-/And waked half dead with nothing." 199-201:"Our general himself makes a mistress of him,sanctifies himself with's hand and turns up the white o' the eye to his discourse."我们看到,这些话中充满了爱欲(甚至是性爱)的意象。参见I.vi.29-32。 (12)据Kenneth Burke统计,《科》剧中“noble”一词出现76次(按:笔者统计为73次),其中半数用于指称科里奥兰纳斯(Kenneth Burke:"The Delights of Faction",in SC,p.170)。 (13)Plutarch's Lives,IV,Coriolanus,III,trans.Bernadotte Perrin(London:William Heinemann Ltd.,1967),p.123. (14)Sigmund Freud,Civilization and Its Discontents,trans.James Strachey(New York:W.W.Norton & Co.,1962),p.48.Cf.Lucretius:De rerum natura,V.LL.958-1029. (15)Cf.Aristotle,Politics,1253a. (16)参见孟德斯鸠:《罗马盛衰原因论》第1章,婉玲译,商务印书馆2009年版,1,4-5页。 (17)基托:《希腊人》第5章,徐卫翔、黄韬译,上海人民出版社2006年版,62,64页。 (18)Cf.Plato,Laws 626A-B. (19)科里奥兰纳斯后来深情祝祷他的儿子——另一个马尔休斯和未来的科里奥兰纳斯(V.iii.68-70:Volumnia:"This is a poor epitome of yours,/Which by the interpretation of fall time/May show like all yourself"):“愿战神赋予你高贵的力量,在战场上屹立不倒”(70-76:"The god of soldiers...inform/Thy strength with nobleness,that thou mayst prove/to shame unvulnerable,and stick i'th' wars")云云,即是当年情景之再现。 (20)Cf.I.ix.8-9:"we thank the gods our Rome has such a soldier." (21)Cf.I.i.223-225:Messenger:"The news is,sir,the Volsces are in arms." Martius:"I am glad on't; then we shall ha' means to vent/Our musty superfluity." (22)Cf.II.ii.95-101:Cominius:"And in the brunt of seventeen battles since/He lurch'd all swords of the garland." (23)在剧中,科里奥兰纳斯与奥非丢斯不共戴天而惺惺相惜——前者赞美奥氏的“高贵”(I.i.220-231:"I sin in envying his nobility,/And were I any thing but what I am,/I would wish me only he"),而奥氏也对他的“高贵”深表爱慕(IV.v.115-119)——便是明证。 (24)剧中出现的护民官Brutus和Sinicius正是罗马第一次平民脱离运动(494 BC)政治和解后最早选出的两名护民官(Plutarch's Lives,VII,Coriolanus,VII,p.131)。 (25)Cf.Sinicius:"Was ever man so proud as is this Martius?" Brutus:"He has no equal."(I.i.251-252)按:"proud"在剧中出现了15次,其中12次指向科里奥兰纳斯;"pride"出现了10次,其中也有7次指向科里奥兰纳斯。 (26)Cf.I.i.248-249:"The Volsces have much corn:take these rats thither/To gnaw their garners." (27)Cf.III.i.79-81:Brutus:"You speak o' th' people/As if you were a god to punish,not/A man of their infirmity." (28)I.i.29-33:Second Citizen:"Consider you what services he has done for his country?" First Citizen:"Very well,and could be content to give him good report for't,hut that he pays himself with being proud." (29)Cf.II.ii.24-35. (30)Cf.II.ii.16-21:First Officer:"If he did not care whether he had their love or no,he waved indifferently' twixt doing them neither good nor harm; but he seeks their hate with greater devotion than can render it him,and leaves nothing undone that may fully discover him their opposite." (31)Cf.I.i.175-6:"Who deserves greatness/Deserves your hate"; I.ix.6-7:Cominius:"the dull tribunes.../That with the fusty plebeians,hate thine honors" etc. (32)Cf.II.ii.139-140:Sicinius:"the people/Must have their voices." (33)Cf.II.i.229-234. (34)库朗热:《古代城邦》,谭立铸等译,华东师范大学出版社2006年版,223-227,256,273页。 (35)库朗热:《古代城邦》,269-287页。 (36)大约80年后(413 BC),雅典远征军将领尼西阿斯(Nicias,470-413 BC)宣称“城邦就是人,而不是空无一人的城墙和战舰”,亦同此意(参见《伯罗奔尼撒战争史《第7卷,谢德风译,商务印书馆2006年版,625页),但时势有异,用心不同耳。 (37)Cf.III.i.41-44 & 130-138. (38)库朗热:《古代城邦》,185-189页。参见Aristotle:Politics,1277b-1278a; Plutarch's Lives,I,Romulus,IX,p.115; Livy:Ab Urbe Condita,I.8.Romeo and Juliet,III.iii.17-21:Romeo:"There is no world without Verona walls,/But purgatory,torture,hell itself./Hence banished is banish'd from the world,/And world's exile is death.Then 'banishment'/Is death misterm' d." (39)Cf.IV.vi.103-106:Cominius:"All the regions/Do smilingly revolt,and who resists/Are mock' d for valiant ignorance,/And perish constant fools." (40)I.iv.51-52:1st soldier:"he is himself alone,/To answer all the city." Cf.I.viii.8-9:"Alone I fought in your Corioles walls,/And made what work I pleas' d" etc.See also II.ii.109-114 & V.vi.113-116. (41)Cf.III.ii.129-130:"Thy valiantness was mine,thou suck' st it from me,/But owe thy pride thyself." (42)Cf.IV.vii.35-48:Aufidius:"First,he was/A noble servant to them,but he could not/Carry his honours even./Whether t' was pride,[...] whether defect of judgment,[…] or whether nature,[...] but one of these[...] made him fear'd,/So hated,and so banish'd." (43)科里奥兰纳斯自比“娼妓”、“阉人”、“无赖”、“乞丐”、“江湖骗子”(III.ii.110-120 & 132-134),即是他此时心意的外在投射(mind-image)。 (44)他们这样做时,事实上已经成为城邦的僭主(Cf.Plato,Republic,565E-567C)。 (45)See Leviathan,in The English Works of Thomas Hobbes,ed.William Molesworth(London:John Bohn,1839,Vol.III),p.113:"In such condition,there is...society; and which is worst of all,continual fear,and danger of violent death; and the life of man,solitary,poor,nasty,brutish,and short." (46)Cf.V.iv.12-14:Cominins:"This Martius is grown from man to dragon:he has wings:he's more than a creeping thing." See also IV.vii.23-24:Aufidius:"...he bears all things fairly/And shows good husbandry for the Volscian state,/Fights dragon-like,and does achieve as soon/As draw his sword" etc. (47)参见V.i.13-15:Cominius:"He was a kind of nothing,tireless,/Till he had forg'd himself a name o'th' fire/Of burning Rome."尤特罗皮乌斯告诉我们:科里奥兰纳斯是继“高傲者塔昆”之后第二个与自己城邦为敌的罗马贵族(《罗马国史大纲》I.15,谢品巍译,上海人民出版社2011年版,7页)。科里奥兰纳斯曾在反击塔昆的复辟战争中建立首功,而今步其后尘,真可谓命运之反讽矣!(Cf.IV.iv.12-22:"O world,thy slippery turns!" etc.) (48)Cf.IV.ii.Tribune:"Say their great enemy is gone and/They stand in their ancient strength." IV.vi.100-101:Cominius:"He will shake/Your Rome about your ears." Menenius:"As Hercules/Did shake down mellow fruit." (49)Cf.IV.vi.127-129:Cominius:"Desperation/Is all the policy,strength,and defence,/That Rome can make against them." V.ii.70:Menenius:"All hope is vain" etc. (50)Cf.V.iv.16-17:Menenius:"he would not remember his mother now than an eight-year-old horse." (51)Cf.V.i.8:Cominius:"He would not seem to know me." 65-67:"I kneel'd before him:/'Twas very faintly he said 'Rise',dismiss'd me/Thus,with his speechless hand." (52)Virgil:Eclogue X.69:"omnia vincit Amor:et nos cedamus Amori." Cf.V.iii.33:Coriolanus:"Great nature cries,'Deny not'." (53)据普鲁塔克介绍,瓦勒莉娅是罗马共和第二任执政之一(另一位和首任执政是布鲁图斯)的普布利科拉(Publicola Valerius)的姊妹(Plutarch's Lives,IV,Coriolanus,XXXIII,p.201);普布利科拉(意为“人民之友”)生前深得人民爱戴,身后备极哀荣,他的家族与后人亦广受尊敬(Plutarch's Lives,I,pp.565-567.Cf.Livy:Ab Urbe Condita,II.8)。 (54)G.Wilson Knight,The Imperial Theme(London:Methuen & Co.Ltd.,1965),p.168.Cf.IV.vi.29-32:Brutus:"Caius Martius was/A worthy officer i' th' war,but insolent,/O'ercome with pride,ambitious past all thinking,/Self-loving." (55)柏拉图所谓城邦“卫犬”(Republic,375A-376B)。参见III.i.198:All Pleb:"The people are the city." IV.vii.35-36:Aufidius:"First,he was/A noble servant to them"; V.ii.80-1:Coriolanus:"My affairs/Are servanted to others." (56)亚里士多德认为:外在于城邦生活者,非神即兽(Politics,1253a)。我们看到,科里奥兰纳斯兼有此超人之神(Cf.IV.vi.91-93:Cominius:"He is their god.He leads them like a thing/Made by some other deity/than nature,/That shapes man better"; V.iv.18-25:Menenius:"When he walks,he moves like an engine and the ground shrinks before his treading...He wants nothing of a god but eternity,and a heaven to throne in")与非人之兽(“孤龙”)的特性,是为神—兽合体之异形。 (57)Cf.V.iii.206-209:Coriolanus:"Ladies,you deserve/To have a temple built you.All the swords/In Italy and her confederate arms/Could not have made this peace." See also V.iv.41-52 & 58; V.v.1-7. (58)Plato,Laws,628D-E.Aristotle:Politics,1333a & 1334a. (59)G.Wilson Knight,The Imperial Theme(London:Methuen & Co.Ltd.,1965),p.180.Cf.II.i.159-160:Volumnia:"Death,that dark spirit,in's nervy arm doth lie,/Which,being advanc'd,declines,and then men die." (60)Cf.III.i.115-7:"Though there the people had more absolute power-/I say they nourish'd disobedience,fed/The ruin of the state." 141-148:"This double worship[...] must omit/Real necessities,and give way the while/To unstable slightness." (61)如他进入或者说自动“下到”城邦“基层”的平民市场(market-place)前祈祷神灵维护城邦的“爱”、“正义”与“和平”(III.iii.33-7:"The honour'd gods/Keep Rome in safety,and the chairs of justice/Supplied with worthy men,plant love among's,/Throng our large temples with the shows of peace/And not our streets with war"),即是其真实心声的表达。 (62)Cf.II.i.52-53:Coriolanus:"What I think,I utter,and spend my malice in my breath." III.iii.90 -4:Coriolanus:"I would not buy/Their mercy at the mercy of one fair word" etc. (63)参见马基雅维利:《君主论》第18节。在剧中,米尼纽斯、布鲁图斯、奥非丢斯甚至弗伦尼亚无不对此心知肚明而身体力行,虽然“不相与谋”,恰是同道中人,除了克里奥兰纳斯一人。在这个意义上,克里奥兰纳斯是城邦—政治的外人/敌人(hostis)。 (64)Cf.IV.i.15:Coriolanus:"I shall be lov'd when I am lack'd." 51-3:Coriolanus:"While I remain above the ground,you shall/Hear from me still,and never of me aught/But what is like me formerly." IV.iv.23-26:Coriolanus:"My birthplace hate I,and my love's upon/This enemy town.I'll enter:if he slay me/He does fair justice; if he give me way,/Ill do his country service." (65)V.iii.131-140:Volumnia:"our suit/Is that you reconcile them[...] and each in either side/Give the all-hail to thee,and cry,Be bless'd/For making up this peace!" (66)Cf.I.v.10:"the man of my soul's hate,Aufidius." (67)Cf.V.iii.187-189. (68)Cf.V.vi.142-144:Lord:"Let him be regarded/As the most noble corse that ever herald/Did follow to his urn." 153:Aufidius:"Yet he shall have a noble memory." (69)柏拉图告诉我们:个人的灵魂是具体而微的城邦,而“合众为一”的城邦乃大而化之的灵魂(Republic,435B-C,544E & 580D)。 (70)Cf.V.vi.79-84.黑格尔会说:和平——冲突和解后的和平——即“永恒正义”(参见《美学》第3卷下,朱光潜译,商务印书馆1981年版,87页)。 (71)斯宾诺莎:“和平不止是没有战争,而且也是建立在精神力量之上的德性。”(《政治论》第5章第4节,冯炳坤译,商务印书馆1999年版,43页)用柏拉图的话说,即以理(reason)统气(thumus),或者说勇武(参见Republic,544C-E & 547D-548C)——克制欲望(desire)而“成为自己的主人”(431A & 442A-B)。参见亚里士多德:《政治学》1254a,吴寿彭译,商务印书馆2007年版,14页。 (责任编辑:admin) |