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    ②这些早期的版本包括:公元3世纪希腊罗曼作家以弗所人色诺芬(Xenophon of Ephesus)的作品《以弗所传奇》(Ephesiaca);1476年马萨丘·萨勒尼塔诺(Masuccio Salernitano)所著的短篇小说集(Il Novellino)中第33个故事;意大利版本1530年路易齐·达·波尔托(Luigi da Porto)的《高贵情侣新史》(Historia novellamente ritrovata di due Nobili Amanti)一书中的《朱丽叶与罗密欧》(Giulietta e Romeo);1554年马泰奥·班代洛(Matteo Bandello)的《小说》(Novelle)的第二卷中的《朱丽叶与罗密欧》(Giulietta e Romeo);1559年法国人皮埃尔·博伊斯蒂乌(Pierre Boaistuau)《悲剧故事集》的第一卷中的该故事;1562年亚瑟·布鲁克(Arthur Brooke)英文的《罗密欧与朱丽叶之悲惨历史》(The tragicall historye of Romeus and Juliet);1567年威廉·品特(William Painter)意大利故事集《乐趣殿堂》(Palace of Pleasure)中的《罗密欧与朱丽叶永恒真爱的优美故事”(The goodly history of the true and constant love of Rhomeo and Julietta)。
    ③朱生豪译文。布鲁克原文:His name is Romeus,(saidshe)a Montegewe(Brooke 353).莎士比亚原文:His name is Romeo,and a Montague(I.v.135).
    ④朱生豪译文。布鲁克原文:Art thou,quoth he,a man? Thy shape saith so thou art(Brooke 1353).莎士比亚原文:Art thou a man? Thy form cries out thou art(III.iii.108).
    ⑤莎士比亚原文:And to't they go like lightning(III.i.174).布鲁克原文:thunderboltes,throwne downe out of the skie(Brooke 1031).
    ⑥笔者自译。布鲁克原文:So banisht hope returneth home to banish his despayre(Brooke 1486).
    ⑦朱生豪译文。莎士比亚原文:Ha! Banishment! Be merciful,say 'death' (III.iii.12).
    ⑧朱生豪译文。莎士比亚原文:That 'banishèd',that one word 'banishèd',Hath slain ten thousand Tybalts(III.ii.113-4).
    (13)莎士比亚原文:The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love.
    (15)莎士比亚原文:Some shall be pardon'd and some punished(V.iii.307).
    (16)莎士比亚原文:Why,he's a man of wax(I.iii.76).
    (21)布鲁克原文:This old damein her youth,had murst her with her mylke.
    (22)布鲁克原文:That frosen mountayne yse was never halfe so cold As were his hands(261-2),
    (23)莎士比亚原文:Did my heart love till now?(I.v.51)
    [1]Brooke,A.1562/1957/1977.The tragicall historye of Romeus and Juliet[A].G.Bullough(ed.).Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare:Early Comedies,Poems,“Romeo and Juliet”[C].London:Routledge and K.Paul; New York:Columbia University Press.284-363.
    [2]Bullough,G.1957/1977.Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare:Early Comedies,Poems,“Romeo and Juliet”[M].London:Routledge and K.Paul; New York:Columbia University Press.
    [3]Dryden,J.1932/1987.An extract from The Shakspere Allusion-Book:A Collection of Allusions to Shakspere from 1591-1700[A].M.W.Scott.(ed.).Shakespearean Criticism(Vol.5)[C].Detroit:Gale Research.
    [4]Elmen,P.1952.Untitled rev.of The Legend of Romeo and Juliet[J].Italica 29.(4):266-267.
    [5]Erskine,J.1916/1987.Romeo and Juliet[A].M.W.Scott.(ed.).Shakespearean Criticism(Vol.5)[C].Detroit:Gale Research.
    [6]Lennox,C.1753/1987.Observations on the use Shakespear has made of the foregoing novel in his tragedy of Romeo and Juliet[A].M.W.Scott.(ed.).Shakespearean Criticism(Vol.5)[C].Detroit:Gale Research.
    [7]Moore,O.H.1930.The origins of the legend of Romeo and Juliet in Italy[J].Speculum 5(3):264-277.
    [8]Muir,K.1978.The Sources of Shakespeare's Plays[M].New Haven:Yale University Press.
    [9]Prouty,C.T.1953.Untitled rev.of The Legend of Romeo and Juliet[J].Modern Language Notes 68(4):274.
    [10]Roberts,A.J.1902.The sources of Romeo and Juliet[J].Modern Language Notes 17(2):41-44.
    [11]Shakespeare,W.1597/2008.Romeo and Juliet[M].Beijing:China Renmin University Press.
    [12]Warton,T.1781/1987.Translation of Italian novels[A].M.W.Scott.(ed.).Shakespearean Criticism(Vol.5)[C].Detroit:Gale Research. (责任编辑:admin)