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    ①至此,莎士比亚已先后创作了《亨利六世》上中下三部(1590-2)、《理查三世》(1592-3)、《理查二世》(1595/6)、《约翰王》(1596)、《亨利四世》上下部(1596-8)和《亨利五世》(1598/9)。其中,《亨利四世》和《亨利五世》讲述了亨利(哈尔或哈利王子,即后来的亨利五世)的成长与成功,又称“亨利三部曲”;“亨利三部曲”与前面的《理查二世》合称“第二四联剧”,与“第一四联剧”(《亨利六世》和《理查三世》)相映成趣。完成《亨利五世》之后,莎士比亚对英国历史剧失去兴趣而转向创作“正宗悲剧”,如《哈姆雷特》(1601)、《李尔王》(1605)、《麦克白》(1606)等等。因此,《亨利五世》本是莎士比亚英国历史剧的收山之作。然而世事难料,1603年英国改朝换代,莎士比亚抚今追昔重续前缘,与约翰·弗莱彻(John Fletcher)合作完成了《亨利八世》(1612-3),是为其英国历史剧系列的番外终篇。
    ②从浪子(Cf Richard II,V.iii.1-22; 1 Henry IV,V.ii.70-71)到“基督教君王的典范”(Henry V,II.Chorus,6),天才的政治家亨利让他的观众等待了14年(1399-1413);而为了展示这一过程,天才的戏剧家莎士比亚也让他的观众等待了三年时间(1595/6-1598/9)。
    ③这一情节和塔西陀记叙的古罗马大将日耳曼尼库斯(Germanicus Caesar)与凯路斯奇人(Cherusci)决战前夕微服巡营一事(《编年史》2卷13章,王以铸、崔妙因译,商务印书馆2005年版,76-77页)颇为类似。这或许只是巧合(毕竟,我们无法确认莎士比亚读过此书并受其影响),但我们正因此获得了某种互文性(其中不乏反讽的张力)的“前理解”。
    ⑤Cf.1 Henry IV,I.i.86-90:King:"O that it could be prov' d/That some night-tripping fairy had exchang'd/In cradle-clothes our children where they lay,/And call'd mine Percy,his Plantagenet! / Then would I have his Harry,and he mine."
    ⑥Cf.Henry V,I.i.24-69 & II .iv.29-40.
    ⑧Cf.Richard II,I.iv.20-36; 1 Henry IV,III.ii.39-59.
    ⑨Cf.1 Henry IV,I.iii.230-232; IV.i.95; V.ii.70-77.Cf.Henry V,II.iv.26-29.
    ⑩Cf.Henry V,II.iv.398-417.
    (11)Cf.Henry V,V.ii.51-68.
    (12)1 Henry IV,V.iv.39-101.
    (13)1 Henry IV,V.ii.51-68.
    (14)Cf.2 Henry IV,IV.iv.13-16,54-66 & 79-80.
    (15)2 Henry/V,IV.v.60-79 & 92-137.
    (16)我们知道:在亨利四世病重昏迷不醒时,哈利已经为自己加冕了(2 Henry IV,IV.v.43)。
    (17)Cf.2 Henry IV,V.v.61-62.
    (18)2 Henry IV,IV.v.47-72:"I know thee not,old man.Fall to thy prayers./ How ill white hairs become a fool and jester! / I have long dreamt of such a kind of man,/So surfeit-swell'd,so old,and so profane; /But Being awak'd,I do despise my dream./.../Presume not that I am the thing I was,/For God doth know,so shall the world perceive,/That I have turn' d away my former self; /So will I those that keep me company./.../Till then I banish thee,on pain of death" etc.Cf.Henry V,II.i.88 (Hostess:"The King has killed his heart.") & 121-6.Cf.1 Henry IV,II.iv.446-481.
    (19)Cf.1 Henry IV,II.iv.14-15:"all the good lads in Eastcheap" etc.
    (20)1 Henry IV,II.iv.92-95:"I am now of all humors that have show'd themselves humors since the old days of goodman Adam to the pupil age of this present twelve o' clock at midnight."
    (21)2 Henry IV,V.v.105-108:Prince John:"I will lay odds that,ere this year expire,/We bear our civil swords and native fire/As far as France.I heard a bird so sing,/Whose music,to my thinking,pleas'd the King."
    (22)我们看到,他出发前借穿了手下一名将领的外袍(Henry V,IV.i.24),后来与士兵交谈(35-51)时自称是威尔士人哈利·勒洛瓦(Harry le Roy),甚至以无名者出现(92-94),始终未以真面目示人。
    (23)Cf.Henry V,III.i.1-34.
    (24)我们记得,他从军之前曾发出豪言壮语:“伙计们,咱们到法兰西去,像蚂蟥一样不停地吸血!”(Henry V,II.iii.54-56:"Let us to France,like horse-leeches,my boys,/To suck,to suck,the very blood to suck!")比较亨利五世决意出兵时的誓词(II.ii.182-193),可知前者是后者的戏仿(parody),甚至二者互为戏仿。
    (25)Cf.Henry V,IV.vii.104-8:Henry:"I wear it for a memorable honour; /For I am Welsh,you know,good countryman." Fuellen:"All the water in Wye cannot wash your majesty's Welsh plood out of your pody,I can tell you that."
    (26)我们知道,亨利曾是威尔士亲王,而“勒洛瓦”(le Roy)法语意为“国王”(英语:the King)。在这里,他实际上暗示(同时也是隐匿)了自己的真实身份。
    (27)弗赖伦论兵厚古而薄今,但这并不妨碍他后来把亨利五世比作亚历山大大帝(Henry V,IV.vii.23-50)。这意味着亨利乃是未来的“古人”(他在剧中先后被比作布鲁图斯、亚历山大和凯撒,都是古代世界中的英雄),即自我作古、垂范后世的立法者(Cf.V.ii.268-272:"We are the makers of manners" etc.)。又,弗赖伦感叹今人(他指法国人)作战违反古来(中世纪)“兵礼”(the laws of arms)或战争法则(IV.vii.1-2),但亨利五世下令屠杀战俘(IV.vii.63-65 & 8-10),恰恰破坏了这一传统法则;这样说来,他又是古代世界中的“今人”了。
    (28)Cf.2 Henry IV,II.ii.1-5.
    (29)Cf.Henry V,IV.iii.60-63:Henry:"we band of brothers" etc.See also II.i.11-13:Bardolph:"I will bestow a breakfast to make you friends,and we'll be all three sworn brothers to France." 105-116:Pistol:"friendship shall combine,and brotherhood./I'll live hy Nym,and Nym shall live by me." III.ii.44-5:Boy:"Nym and Bardolph are sworn brothers in filching" etc.
    (30)Cf.Hamlet,I.iii.23-27:"on his choice depends/The safety and health of this whole state; /And therefore must his choice be circumscribed/Unto the voice and yielding of that body/Whereof he is the head."
    (31)在这里,威廉斯特意描述了“日后”(at the latter day)——他虽未明言,但一定是指亨利死后(在地狱?)接受最后审判的那一天——这些亡灵号哭索债的悲惨和恐怖景象(135-141)。
    (32)Cf.Henry V,III.iii.5-14 & 32-41.
    (33)Cf.Henry V,III.iii.21-47.
    (35)凶手(Piers Extort)声称是奉上意行事(Richard II,IV.iv.1-10 & vi.37),但亨利坚决否认(vi.34-36 & 38-40),并对理查之死表示真诚哀悼(45-48:"Lords,I protest my soul is full of woe/That blood should sprinkle me to make me grow" etc)。正是:假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无!
    (36)Cf.1 Henry IV,I.i.18-30; 2 Henry IV,III.i.106-108; IV.iv.1-10.
    (37)Richard II,IV.iv.45-50.Cf.IV.i.240-242; 2 Henry IV,III.i.72-74.
    (38)Cf.2 Henry IV,IV.v.232-240.
    (39)Cf.2 Henry IV,III.i.38-40.
    (40)Henry IV,I.i.1-4; II,iv.358-359.2 Henry IV,IV.iv.117-120 & 130; IV.v.67-68 & 158-164.
    (44)Cf.2 Henry IV,IV.v.163-164:"But thou,most fine,most honour'd,most renown'd,/Hast eat thy bearer up."
    (45)Cf.Hamlet,I.iii.20-21:"his will is not his own; / For he himself is subject to his birth."
    (47)Alexander Leggatt,Shakespeare's Political Drama(London:Routledge,1988),p.135,p.132.
    (50)出征法兰西之前,亨利与教会暗通款曲结成利益同盟(Henry V,I.i.1~22 & 69-89),坎特伯雷大主教对此心领神会而投桃报李,援引(其实是歪曲)历史和《圣经》(《旧约·民数记》第27章)证言萨利继承法(the Salic Law)对亨利无效,并“以灵魂担保”他可以“名正言顺、问心无愧地”向法兰西提出王位要求(I.ii.4-121),亦可作如是观。事实上,亨利此前已然向法国提出了王位要求(Cf.I.ii.4-6 & 246-248);由此而论,他的“廷议”根本是一场精心策划的表演。
    (51)亨利似乎确实认为战争是一种商业活动,例如他后来应勃艮第公爵之请与法国停战和谈,提出的条件就是“你们必须完全按照我们的正当要求购买这份和平”(Henry V,V.ii.70-1:"you must buy that peace/With full accord to all our just demands")。他没有意识到(或者是意识到而没有明言)商业活动的目的是经济利益,而战争——特别是他的战争——的目的是政治利益。尽管如此,就追逐个人利益而言,二者完全是一致的;有如是想法者,也不止亨利一人——《约翰王》中的庶子(Bastard)就是他们的精神先父和共同原型(Cf.King John,II.i.561-586)。
    (52)我们后来看到:无辜的“少年”(Boy)在战争中被杀,而无赖皮斯脱却活了下来;如其所说,他回到伦敦后将以拉皮条和偷窃为生(Henry V,V.i.81-9)而非“教人如何正视死亡”。此亦“莎士比亚反讽”之一例。
    (53)Cf.Henry V,IV.iv.79-125.See also IV.iii.91 & 123-125.
    (56)当然,亨利后来并未认真践约:他命弗赖伦代他会见威廉斯,而后者替他挨了威廉斯的耳光(Henry V,IV.vii.119-164 & viii.1-61)。这也符合他的一贯风格:隐身(并寻求替代)和推卸(转嫁责任)。
    (57)Henry IV,III.i.4-31.Cf.IV.v.21-37 & 158-164.
    (58)Cf,2 Henry IV,IV.v.96-7:"O foolish youth! /Thou seek' st the greatness that will overwhelm thee."
    (59)Cf.2 Henry IV,III.i.38-40:Warwick:"It is but as a body yet distempered,/Which to his former strength may be restored/With goad advice and little medicine."
    (61)Cf.Henry V,II.ii.193:"No king of England,if not king of France!" See also I.ii.222-233 & III.vi.153-165.
    (64)亨利五世向凯瑟琳公主求爱时这样描述自己(Henry V,V.ii.290:"he will appear in his true likeness");而我们知道,这不过是谎言——又一句谎言(Cf.IV,i.110:"in his nakedness he appears but a man")。当年福斯塔夫惯用此伎俩(Cf.1 Henry IV,III.iii.14-19:"I was as virtuously given as a gentleman need to be,virtuous enough" etc; II.iv.417 & 427-430),现在被亨利继承并发扬光大了。就此而言,亨利(哈利)实在是福斯塔夫的精神后裔和血脉传人。
    (65)比较威廉斯所说的“日后”(Henry V,IV.i.137)。
    (66)Cf.Henry V,V.Chorus 17-22:"his lords desire him to have borne/His bruised helmet and his bended sword/Before him through the city:he forbids it,/Being free from vainness and self-glorious pride; /Giving full trophy,signal and ostent/Quite from himself to God."
    (68)Cf.1 Henry VI,I.i.28-32:Winchester:"He was a king bless'd of the King of kings./Unto the French the dreadful judgment-day/So dreadful will not be as was his sight./The battles of the Lord of Hosts he fought; /The Church's prayers made him so prosperous."
    (69)Henry V,IV.vii.23-33 & V.Chorus.25-28,Cf.1 Henry VI,I.i.6-16.
    (70)在法国,亨利重演了父亲当年在英国犯下的罪行。就此而言,亨利四世临终前的担忧(2 Henry IV,IV.v.119-135:"Up,vanity,/Down,royal state!" etc.)反讽地应验了。
    (71)Cf.2 Henry IV,II.ii.142-3:Harry:"we play the fools with the time,and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and mock us."
    (72)Genesis,4:8-12:"You will be a fugitive and wanderer on earth"; 4:16-17:"Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord,and settled in the land of the Nod,east of Eden...and he built a city" etc.
    (73)Richard II,V.vi.41-44.Cf.Hamlet,III.iii.40-73:Claudius:"What form of prayer/Can serve my turn?/ 'Forgive me nay foul murder'?/That cannot be,since I am still possessed/Of those effects for which I did the/ murder:/.../ Try what repentance can.What can it not? /Yet what can it when one cannot repent? /O wretched state! O bosom black as death! /O limed soul,that,struggling to be free,/Art more engaged!"
