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    目 录 
    004 多维度诠释展品的尝试
        ——“根·魂:中华文明物语”特展策划解析 王树金
    011 “向往—‘我’与安徽改革开放四十年”展览的实践与创新 王梦迪
    019 “大潮起珠江— 广东改革开放 40 周年展览”策展纪事 刘 晓
    025 对比展在人物类展览策划中的尝试
        ——以展览“鲁迅·徐志摩— 呐喊与歌唱的人生”为例 刘 丹
    031 番禺十八乡“洪圣王出会”与石楼神楼 黄海妍
    038 闽台族谱文化传承传播与族谱共享研究 沈文锋
    046 宋代城市节日风俗的文献考察 毛晓帅
    055 东莞疍民生计模式的历史考察
        ——以养蚝、捞蚬和养鸭为例 朱嫦巧 曾裕菁
    063 非物质文化遗产研究的“三重证据”法 吕慧敏
    069 历史民俗学方法下的社会组织民俗研究
        ——以狮山树本善堂的起源问题为例 李旭滨
    076 白族“天婚”型故事文本研究 李园园
    083 椎髻赭面
        ——从安阳唐墓看中晚唐时期女子服饰中的胡风 刘 波
    092 鲁迅与《近代美术史潮论》
        ——1920 年代对西方艺术史论的一次重要译介 温嘉宝
    004 An Attempt to Interpret Exhibits in Multiple Dimensions:
    Analysis of Exhibition Planning of “Root & Soul: Stories of Chinese Civilization” Wang Shujin
    011 Practice and Innovation of Exhibition “Yearning for: Forty Years of Reform and Opening-up in Anhui and ‘Me’” Wang Mengdi
    019 Curatorial Notes on the Exhibition “Great Tides Surge Along the Pearl River: Forty Years of Reform and Opening-up in Guangdong” Liu Xiao
    025 Comparative Exhibition in Planning Exhibition of Figures:
    From the Example of “Lu Xun Vs. Xu Zhimo: Life of Shouting Vs. Life of Singing” Liu Dan
    031 Idolatrous Procession of Hongsheng King at the Eighteen Villages of Panyu and the Sacred Pavilion from Shilou Village Huang Haiyan
    038 A Study on the Inheritance and Dissemination of Fujian-Taiwan Genealogical Culture and Genealogy Sharing Shen Wenfeng
    046 Literature Review of Urban Festival Customs in the Song Dynasty Mao Xiaoshuai
    055 Historical Study on Subsistence Strategies of the Boat People in Dongguan:
    Taking Oyster-Raising, Clam-Digging, or Duck-Raising as Examples Zhu Changqiao Zeng Yujing
    063 The “Triple Evidence” Method in the Study of Intangible Cultural Heritage Lü Huimin
    069 Research on Folklore of Social Organizations Based on the Methodology of Historical Folklore Studies:
    A Case Study on the Origin of Shishan Shuben Shantang Li Xubin
    076 A Study on the “Marriage by Fate” Story Text of Bai People Li Yuanyuan
    083 Mallet-Shaped Bun and Ochre-Painted Face:
    Hu Elements in Women’s Fashion of the Mid-Late Tang Dynasty Reflected in the Tomb Murals in Anyang Liu Bo
    092 Lu Xun and A Survey of Modern Art History:
    An Important Translation and Introduction of Western Art History in the 1920s Wen Jiabao
    Notice to Contributors
