Morris Gleitzman Morris Gleitzman is a bestselling Australian children’s author and the current Australian Children’s Laureate. He was born in England and emigrated to Australia when he was thirteen. He gained prominence through his col...
Richard Fidler Richard Fidler is best known as the presenter of Conversations on ABC Radio, an in-depth, hour-long interview program that over the years has put him in the company of the world’s most prominent radio presenters. The progra...
Julie Koh Julie Koh (许莹玲) was born in Sydney to Chinese-Malaysian parents. She studied politics and law at the University of Sydney, then quit a career in corporate law to pursue writing. She is the author of two short-story collectio...
Graeme Simsion Graeme Simsion is the Australian author of The Rosie Project, The Rosie Effect and The Best of Adam Sharp (film rights optioned by Toni Collette/Vocab Films). The Rosie Project has sold more than three and a half million copi...
编剧/导演:帕尼勒·费舍尔·克里斯藤森 主演:阿尔芭·奥古斯特 每年11月14日,年近耄耋的作家阿斯特丽德·林格伦会收到数以千计的小读者贺信,信中大多画着一个可爱的红发女孩,...
“叶芝之乡” 踏上爱尔兰绿色的国土,漫步首都都柏林街头,就好像重读叶芝的华章,以往觉得陌生的地名和朦胧的意象都变得真切而清晰起来。1916年复活节起义所在地邮政总局、遭...
“猫”的家 从明治三十七年(1904)春开始到夏天的时候,夏目的大脑基本上好了不少,那种不顾后果的发作和癫狂也少了许多。与此同时他自己也相当用功,读书,写作,连授课讲义...
我们不能用通常的眼光看待杰克·吉尔伯特。 他从小受苦,但成年后对世事漫不经心;他凭处女诗集一举成名,但他避名声如瘟疫,一离诗坛就是十年二十年;他一生中有过许多亲密的...